Pling, your screen time over the past week averaged 3 hours a day. What?!
The Dutch now spend 72% of their internet time on mobile every day. This also means an adjustment for your Rich Media advertisements. Which formats do you choose? And how do you make it interactive?
It can be done in a beautiful and sometimes even simple way. The format, the amount of text are taken into account and an overview has been chosen: only 2 buttons.
By making use of interaction within the creative, the user is also challenged to walk with a distinct taste. Don't just pick any drink, join the Royal Club!
- In the video, the bartender tries to tempt the user to choose between the two Royal Club flavors. Here, clever use is made of the bartender's hand gestures. And also pay attention to the active/inactive colors of the buttons.
- After a choice has been made, the user will see a new video. This video gives the user a good feeling: 'Good choice!'
- Finally, the user sees the chosen flavor with its own 'exit click': Buy now!
Taking the mobile users into account for Rich Media is now a must. Fortunately, the possibilities on mobile are also endless: the sky is the limit!
What do you think of interactive advertisements for smartphones?