Easy Rich Media are a selection of interactive formats that can be delivered quickly without code or technical knowledge. From now on, these are easy to choose, test and deliver before going live on the new website. It doesn't get any easier!
Which formats?
Choose from 5 popular programmatic Rich Media formats for desktop, mobile or cross-device and, if you so wish, select the video variant. Besides APTO, Swipecubes, Interscrollers and Mobile Portraits, new formats or variants will be added regularly. The formats only use images and/or video, so you won't have any further hassle. Read more about the possible formats and their advantages and disadvantages here. All Easy Rich Media formats can also be purchased through Impact Marketplace.
Everything in 1 place
With the new website you can find all the information about Easy Rich Media in 1 place. For each format, you will find templates, specs, faq and examples conveniently grouped together, and you follow simple steps to complete your creative in no time. It is a simple 3-step process where it's impossible to go wrong.

Select: Select a format and download the corresponding template and instructions.
Create & preview: Upload your designs, and the system checks them for specs so they are always right. Preview and share the test page with others and repeat as often as you like.
Submit: Submit to us, Weborama, and we will send tags as usual. This way, you can be sure that your creative is good, trackers are processed correctly and you won't be in for any surprises when you go live.
Easy Rich Media showcase
In the previewer, you will find examples of each selected format at the bottom of the page, so that it is immediately clear what the format looks like. These examples will be supplemented with your Easy Rich Media designs.

Do you want to create interactive ads easily and quickly without code, or gain experience with your first programmatic Rich Media campaign? Then try Easy Rich Media now through the new website
Questions? Feel free to ask them via your contact person or email us at sales@weborama.nl.
P.S. In addition to the Easy Rich Media formats, we, of course, still provide the tried and trusted Advanced Rich Media formats for maximum creative freedom. Read more about the corresponding templates, workflow and advantages and disadvantages here and check out the examples.