Last Friday we hosted our Certified Workshop where only our certified developers were invited to. A perfect moment to discuss new developments in the industry, to highlight this creative group and to get in touch with each other.
New possibilities in video, gamification, AR/3D and livestream were discussed and speaker Aryeh Loeb ended the workshop with an insight into Ai tools such as Dall-E, Runway, Midjourney and ChatGPT. Finally, while enjoying pizzas, drinks and music, we chatted and bumbled about Ai.
Were you unable to attend? Read more about the various topics discussed below. Want to become a certified developer yourself? Click here for more information and the exam.
After an opening speech by Sales Manager and Bastiaan, who is an expert in the profession, it was time to dive into inspiration. Everyone streams video nowadays and we jump on the bandwagon. For example, Bastiaan talked about using live stream in Rich Media and our new video studio Adways. With this studio, developers can go wild with interactive video formats. Below you will find some of the pre-roll and bumper creatives made with the Adways studio.

Gamification is hot and we follow the trend! Rich Media Consultant Jim told the developers about our new game formats, the Playable Ads. These are expandable game ads for any format that we can fully set up and flexibly customize. Think of; memory game, a quiz, spin the wheel and a personality test. Users play the game in the ad and then enter their details to win prizes, which in turn can lead to great leads! You can read more about it here.

Finally, Bastiaan took over again to talk about the use of AR and 3D in Rich Media. How do you approach this, what do you pay attention to, what is allowed/not allowed?
Then it was time for our Support Lead Rob to answer other questions from the audience and tell us about updates within the Previewer platform. The developers use this platform to preview and test their creations in advance. Feedback on the tool, Google Ad Intervention guidelines, dynamic content and other technical questions have all been answered by Rob.
Artificial Intelligence
Then the stage was set for our guest speaker and 'AI Wizard' Aryeh Loeb. With 20 years of experience in the gaming industry and as an experienced speaker, he managed to grab the attention of the group immediately. Out of sheer amazement, mouths fell open and there was lots of laughter when Aryeh showed what is already possible with Ai. For example, he wrote a perfect application letter for Weborama in seconds and then made it rhyme. Furthermore, he managed to turn everything into 3D objects within seconds and then made them fight. The Dall-E tool, in which we brought the craziest creations to life, and Runway, in which objects from a video can be polished, also surprised the audience.

Some of the bizarre creations of Dall-E.
All in all, a successful evening ending with a group of developers who will hopefully be packed with new inspiration for the coming year! Thanks to all Certified developers who could be there and to our guest speaker Aryeh. We still have the deck of the presentation for the developers who were unable to attend.
We hope to see you again next year for another workshop full of inspiration!